
Welcome to the Wild Atlantic Way…


I am delighted to announce that the next issue of FEAST: A Dinner Journal is in the shops! If you missed my update you can read all about our amazing new contributors here! In this issue we explore the Wild Atlantic Way, a route that takes us along the whole west coast of Ireland from north to south and with it unfolds some of the most breath-taking scenery Ireland has to offer.


It’s this scenery which provides the provenance for the high quality ingredients and proud Irish food and craft producers that this issue highlights. I’m thrilled to see that not only can this winding way boast incredible landscapes but it also has the quality of ingredients to match them. From the north to the south, the west of Ireland has a lot to boast about, as we weave through the regions with ingredients and crafts like Donegal Tweed for our winter table setting, Burren Smoked Salmon for a creamy and warming seafood chowder, Lorge Chocolatier for chocolate dipped candied blood orange slices.


Even the seashore has delicacies to offer with dillisk from Irish Atlantic Sea Veg for our savoury wholemeal buttermilk soda bread. As a meal, this is a filling FEAST but each of these courses has recipes to provide separate meal ideas and recipes to inspire you to use some of Ireland’s finest ingredients. This issue of FEAST will be available in all Eason stores and selected speciality shops around the country.

Print copies of the new issue of FEAST: A Dinner Journal | Winter 2013-2014 are available in Easons throughout Ireland priced at €3.95.

An annual subscription is also available and you can order your subscription here.

You can purchase digital issues of FEAST: A Dinner Journal via our app available on iTunes and on Google Play for Android Devices. Or order a printed copies of our first two issues via MagCloud.