
A Big Thank You For All The Support! :)

Hello there! 🙂

Tonight marks the last episode in the current series of my very first TV show… I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you so much for all the fantastic support over the past 12 episodes… It’s been an incredible little journey for me and I’ve learnt so much from traveling around the country giving cookery demos and meeting different people from all walks of life. From the women who take me by the hand in the shops to tell me they watch every week, to the burly looking fella in the pub who pulled me over because he wanted some tips on making a fish pie, to the kids who were shaking from excitement when they came up to tell me they’d made a banoffee pie.

I’ve also been sent some really lovely stories from first time cooks who thought they might never get into it, kids who can’t get enough of baking and are even cooking meals for their parents, students who rather than eating convenience food are learning to cook themselves a dinner from scratch, mums and dads with a renewed interest in cooking, grandparents having fun with Asian ingredients who hadn’t cooked with them before, and people who are leading generally more healthy lives by learning how to cook the basics for themselves at home…

All these stories are what really makes it exciting and worthwhile for me and it’s been incredible not only to be able to share my favourite home cooking recipes but also to read all the emails and hear the tips from people willing to share theirs too.

It’s been a brilliant experience so far and this is just the start!

Stick around because we have so much more to cook!

You can’t knock positivity,

Massive love and thanks again,

Donal x