
Big Breakfast For A Big Week!

The excitement is definitely building at Chez Donal ahead of the show airing next week!  It’s been a long time coming so it feels so weird to think that very first episode airs on Monday night.  For the last few days we have had some of Sofie’s family over to stay so things have been fairly manic juggling entertaining, work, and a 2 day whirlwind trip to the south west of Ireland.  I tried to pick some nice little stops along the drive from Cork through to Killarney.  We had some really beautiful meals at The Fish Kitchen in Bantry Bay, Café Paradiso in Cork, and in particular and the real revelation for me was Chapter 40 in Killarney.  I’m fairly picky about making sure we end up in a nice restaurant, but I hadn’t got a chance to pick a place for Killarney, so in the pouring rain we stumbled fairly bedraggled into Chapter 40 where we had a really fantastic meal.  It was top quality food with really fantastic flavours, for really decent prices. If you are down that way soon make sure to give it a try!

Keeping up the theme of breakfasts this week, today’s recipe is my latest addiction.  I don’t know how I have been living my life without sweet potato fries for breakfast!  They are a really interesting addition to regular breakfasts and are fairly good for you too.  I have been adapting this recipe since I made it a few weeks ago, and you can add ginger, garlic and fish sauce to pump up the Asian flavours and they could easily be served as a little lunch time dish with a crisp salad.  Either way you have them, you won’t be disappointed, crispy, sweet and savoury, these little babies are beautiful!

Continue to the recipe for Sweet-Potato Breakfast Fries…