
Bosch Cookery Demonstration In Cork This Week!

I’ve really been enjoying giving all the cookery demonstrations lately and this week I’m heading down to Cork to give a cooking demonstration at Dwyers.  It’s really great to hear that people are enjoying Kitchen Hero and I’ve loved meeting everyone at the signings.  There are lots of dishes on the menu for Thursday night, including lots of my favourite home cooking recipes like Aromatic Duck Salad, Fragrant Thai Chicken Stew and a new recipe which I shot during the summer and can now finally share with you, my Dark Chocolate and Raspberry Muffins.

If you are in Cork on Thursday make sure to contact the lads at Dwyers and get yourself booked in!  In the meantime give my Dark Chocolate and Raspberry muffins a go, they are incredibly easy and you get left with great results.

Continue to the recipe for Dark Chocolate and Raspberry Muffins…