
Breakfast Goes Big!

To be perfectly honest, during the week, for me breakfast tends to be the meal of the day I make the least effort for.  In fairness I still end up pulling something out the bag and this is purely down to the one and only line my mom successfully drilled into me as a kid, that “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”.  So despite my bleary eyes, porridge still manages to be religiously shoved on the stove in what can only be described as some sort of fuzzy headed catatonic state, before the day starts.  Or if I have a little more time, scrambled eggs, on toast is the first call of the day.

However all that changes on the weekend, this is when my creative juices start flowing and breakfast becomes something I can’t wait to sink my teeth into.  Like many Irish families our Sunday breakfast consisted of a big old fry with bacon, egg and sausages, and if my Dad was cooking, tomatoes and mushrooms.  While this famous breakie can be quite heavy, done right, it can happily sit alongside Irish stew as one of our traditional dishes.  Though a real lazy weekend breakfast needs a bit more inspiration and creativity, something to get excited about!  This week I’m going to be posting some of my favourite recipes for breakkie, so first things first a classic in my house growing up, my dad’s “Hole In The Bread” eggs, might not be gourmet cooking, but are sure to get a few fans from younger cooks out there.

Continue to the recipe for Hole In The Bread Eggs…

Continue to the recipe for Scrambled Eggs with Goats Cheese and Rocket…

Continue to the recipe for Frozen Fruit Smoothie…

Continue to the recipe for Sweet Potato Breakfast Fries…