
Duck, Duck, Duck… No Goose!

Finally after all the madness of the start of June with Bloom and Taste Of Dublin, things have calmed down a little.  There is far less running around with crates of food and shopping lists this week, so I am taking the time to soak up just being at home.  It’s a weird kind of feeling at the moment because all the work that went into Kitchen Hero the book and TV series has now all been done and it now has a life of it’s own, so I guess I’m happy to let it run.  I have to admit I’m getting itchy feet to get started on the next book and with a looming due date in the coming months, this summer will be spent working on my third book.

The reaction from Kitchen Hero has been fantastic, and it really seems to have struck a chord with first time cooks, families, and even the more established home cooks looking for tasty, quick and easy recipes.  With that in mind I have already been adding more and more ideas to my ever growing list of potential recipes for book 3.  Once the writing part is over and done with I’ll be getting stuck into my favourite bit… the recipe testing!  But before all that kicks off, I’m enjoying growing veggies in garden, which was the inspiration for this dish!  I have a big pile of purple pak choy to get through and this was one of the delicious ways we enjoyed it recently.  Lots of intense Asian flavours come together to make this delicious dish- give it a go especially if you have never tried to cook duck before.

Continue to the recipe for Crispy Sticky Duck with Green Beans and a Pak Choy Sesame Salad…