
First Night Nerves and Chocolate Tiramisu Recipe…


Well after a month of crazy promotion all over Ireland, I kicked off the HomeCooked tour in Mullingar on Friday night. I have to admit I was nervous, as opposed to our usual cooking demonstrations, there was lots to think of, programs with all the recipes, visuals for the massive screen we have on stage, and of course the set which even includes my very own kitchen table from home! Yes I had packed practically everything AND the kitchen sink! I had a great crowd in Mullingar to start me off, and with lots of great fun on stage and with the audience the pre show nerves quickly slipped away.


Everyone who comes along to the show gets a program filled with the recipes I will be cooking on the night.  My aim apart from demonstrating some delicious recipes that people can go home with is that we have plenty of fun and our two cooking competitions went down a storm!  The best part is right at the start when the smell of the food starts wafting its way through the theatre! 


After each show, the lovely folks from Easons are on hand selling books, and it gives everyone a chance to come up and say hello and get books signed. It's been so lovely to hear so many people have been cooking from the new book already!  We've had a great mix of folks in the audiences, young and old, but my highlight so far was hearing about 10 year old boy who brought along his notepad and pen and took down notes through the whole demo.  Great to see young cooks getting excited about cooking! 🙂


This week I'm going to be cooking in Cork Opera House on Wednesday, Pavilion Theatre in Dun Laoghaire on Friday and the RiverBank Arts theatre in Newbridge on Saturday! For best seats book in advance and tickets are available from the box offices of all venues.  You can find a full list of venues and their details here.  We've got two lovely reviews about the show so far, you can see them here and here.


One of the recipes which got everyone drooling during our shows in Mullingar, Sligo and Galway was this Chocolate Tiramisu. It's a recipe I always remember my mom making for dinner parties for two reasons, the first being that it can be made in advance and secondly and probably more importantly she knew my brother and I wouldn't sneak spoonfuls of it because there was both coffee and alcohol in it! My version ups the chocolate content with shavings of dark and white chocolate and makes a brilliant little dessert.

Recipe for the Chocolate Tiramisu Recipe…
