
Jamie Oliver’s FoodTube Live Show!


Look, I could try and play it all cool about last night but OH MY GOD I was cooking with the one and only Jamie Oliver!  There are moments in life where things come full circle and last night provided one of those.  You'll have to excuse the sentimentality, but one of the first cookbooks I got growing up, was Jamie's Naked Chef book when I was about 12 and all of sudden there was someone to look up to who was making cooking cool!  Since my videos have been up on FoodTube, Jamie had been saying hello via instagram but it was my first time meeting him last night and he was just so great, full of chat, smiles, praise and really made me feel welcome. 

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In fact the whole atmosphere last night was just very very cool and not only is Jamie a genuinely nice guy but his whole team and everyone around him are the most lovely people I have ever worked with.  From camera guys to chefs and from food team members to runners everyone worked with a smile and made time to chat.  There were a few familiar faces in the crowd and a good few fellow food bloggers, Niamh Shields from EatLikeAGirl, Miss Foodwise and Food Urchin were there, all instantly recognisable from twitter and instagram and totally holding their own for the food blogger massive!  Niamh even gave me a hand with my pineapple skewers on the night, all hands on deck!




Jamie and his production team had lined up a seriously stellar team of guests with some youtube superstars like Jack and Finn from JacksGap, and the lovely ladies Sam & Nic from Pixie Woo, alongside the very beautiful Chiappa Sisters (who had both their sweet mum and Michela's 1 month old baby with them!), cupcake queen Jemma from Crumbs and Doilies and of course good old Gennaro Contaldo and spandex clad DJ BBQ!  Everyone did a bit of cooking and with the help of Mr. Oliver, I made up some lamb kebabs with a yoghurt and mint marinade and some chargrilled pineapple skewers with mint sugar.



We had a proper laugh the whole way through and an amazing reaction on youtube, twitter and instagram.  It was such an inspiring production to be a part of and still has me all tingling with excitement, so much so I probably won't sleep for the rest of the week!  The whole foodtube family made me feel so welcome and I was head over heels thrilled to be a part of it!  Now after all that love, you have to go over and subscribe because there's lots more videos to come! Woo go FoodTube Family! 🙂
