
Sensitive smoke alarms and Lemon & Mint Griddled Chicken…

Mint & Lemon Chicken_2 The big joke in our family growing up was that if the smoke alarm went off, we knew dinner was on the way.  My mom used to get a terrible slagging and ever so slightly flustered over this and would invariably throw the offending article out the back door (normally toast left under the grill for too long).  I, rather cruelly, always scoffed at this and swore that when I had my own kitchen, it would never happen, clearly she wasn't paying enough attention.

Mint & Lemon Chicken copyThe kitchen I now cook in, has been blessed with the worst extractor fan known to man with two conveniently located and highly sensitive fire alarms over-head, perfectly poised to set themselves off at the mere mention of a pan being put off the hob.  A smoking hot wok does it, a griddle pan all set for deep charred marks gets them going and we shouldn't even mention the time I forgot the popcorn I was making on the hob.  Once they go off, all mayhem breaks loose, the dog reacts like the world is going to end, I jump up on the couch to switch the little buggers off and run around the kitchen with a pole, shoving any window and door I can get open, swearing quite loudly, while trying to keep what was dinner, in a somewhat reasonable shape.  Our neighbours at this point normally shout over the wall "Guess the dinner is ready then!"…

Mint & Lemon Chicken_3Then all I can do is chuckle and realise it has come full circle.  The lesson to be learned?  Well I wouldn't go as far to say you're mother is always right so let's settle at never scoff at your mother!  For this rather tasty looking chicken dish, which requires the use of a hot griddle pan, you will need your extractor fan on high and possibly a window open and for god's sake let the poor dog out…

Continue to the recipe for Lemon and Mint Griddled Chicken with Chickpeas and Flatbreads…

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