
Main Course for KHODP: Thai Beef and Mango Salad!

If you missed it yesterday, check the full menu for the Kitchen Hero Online Dinner Party over here.  Today I’m posting the main course recipe which is for Thai Beef and Mango Salad.  It’s one of my favourite recipes from the book, it sounds complicated with the amount of ingredients but really it’s just a case of assembling the salad ingredients, making a dressing and frying the steaks.

While we were shooting the images for “Kitchen Hero” one of the days, we spent at possibly the most amazing house I have ever been in, complete with my dream kitchen and two tortoises!  This was the very last shot of the day, which I really got by chance as the sun was just about to disappear out of the garden.  I plopped the table and camera in the middle of some bushes and got that lovely dappled light effect you can see in the photo.  Sometimes the best food shots are really taken by chance.

Anyway I’m glad I can share this recipe with you and I really hope you enjoy cooking it this Thursday, and don’t worry, if you run into any trouble, I will be on hand over on facebook and twitter.  Also don’t worry if you don’t have all the ingredients, you can adapt this recipe with what you can get your hands on…

Continue to the recipe for the Thai Beef and Mango Salad…