
Mini Rhubarb Crumble Tarts

I’m sure you will be happy to know that I am well over the jetlag after our week in NYC and I am completely back in the land of the living!  For some reason it hit me hard this time and I blame not sleeping on the flight.  One of the big positives arriving home in Dublin last week was the positively balmy temperatures compared to what we had been putting up with in the big apple.

Now I know we haven’t exactly had a heat wave but I think there has been a serious change in the weather and I can already feel the spring in the air!  I picked up a bunch of bright pink rhubarb at our local farmers market on Sunday which I am going to be cooking into these delicious little Rhubarb Crumble Tarts on tomorrow’s Four Live on RTÉ 1 at 4pm.


Forced rhubarb is grown specifically at this time of year, in darkness which allows it too keep the amazing neon pink colour.  The result is rhubarb which is sweeter and more tender than than the stuff you will find later in the year and throughout the summer.  Of course you could still make these little tarts with the spring summer variety but you may want to add a little extra sugar to find the right balance of sweetness…

Continue to the recipe for Mini Rhubarb Crumble Tarts…