
New Years Eve Partaaay!

Wow 2010 really went by in a flash!  I cannot believe it is already New Year’s eve tomorrow…  To be honest I was never really a big fan of New Years eve, it was always a bit of a let down after the excitement of Christmas.  It was kind of like the Sunday during a school week where you knew the party was coming to an end and you had to go back to school the next day.  The last few years we have tried to do something different, by heading off somewhere but this year we are staying put and having people over.  There isn’t too much pressure really because all that is expected is a bit drink to be provided and something nibble on while everyone stands around and get’s merry!

Now I do know that the easy option is to just buy a few bags of nuts and crisps and pour them in to bowls, but really, where is the fun in that?!  I’m a true believer that if you but a bit of effort into a party you will end up having a great time!  Which is why I will be serving up some of these little lovelies tomorrow night for people to nibble on.  Yes they do require a bit more work but they are so worth it and they really look great being passed around the crowd.  Try them and let me know what you think! 🙂

Continue to the recipe for Oysters with a Vietnamese dressing…

Continue to the recipe for Honey Chilli Prawn Skewers…

Continue to the recipe for Indian Spiced Nuts…