
New York Blueberry Oat Pancakes

Right just to try and attempt to make this American classic somewhat healthier I am using oat flour! It is so simple to make. Pile a portion of rolled oats into a food processor and whizz it until it becomes fine. The flour gives a mellow sweet taste to the food it is used in and is a great way to add extra fibre to recipes. If you don’t have any oats on hand, substitute with plain flour. This mix also works great for use on waffle irons.


Makes approximately 8–10 pancakes
100ml/4fl oz milk
120g/4oz oat flour
2 large eggs, separated
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1⁄4 teaspoon of salt
1⁄2 teaspoon of cinnamon
100g of blueberries


Add all the dry ingredients to a large mixing bowl.


Measure the milk in a jug and add the egg yolks. Whisk lightly to combine.


Add to the dry ingredients and mix until blended.


In a clean bowl whisk the egg whites until they hold firm peaks. Fold gently into the batter until combined.


To cook simply add a heaped dessertspoonful of the mixture to a warm pan brushed with a little melted butter.


Plop in a few blueberries on the uncooked side and press them in gently, allow to cook until little bubbles start to appear and the edges become a little dry and then turn over to cook for about a minute until golden brown.


Serve with maple syrup, a dusting of icing sugar, bacon or whatever takes your fancy!