
One Wedding and a Roast Chicken…

Last weekend my cousin Emma got married in Brooklodge, Co. Wicklow, now if you are a regular subscriber to Delicious magazine you might recognise her as one of the people I was teaching how to cook a roast chicken a couple of months ago.  Emma is my eldest cousin on my mom’s side of the family and up until my little brother arrived on the scene we were the only little people around, therefore lots of attention, presents you know the deal.  Earlier this year before all the marriage madness took over I roped her in to a photoshoot for my Delicious magazine column, and after promising there would be dinner, she reluctantly agreed.

As you can imagine there was a lot of laughter when we finally got to the photographs, causing utter frustration for Sofie as she tried to take pictures as we buttered the chickens behind!  There was however complete silence after all the photos were taken and we finally sat down to eat dinner.  Roast chicken tends to have that effect!  Emma and her new husband (and sherpa) Stuart are currently winging their way to South East Asia on their honeymoon so a massive CONGRATULATIONS TO MR. AND MRS. JONES! Now time for a recipe…

From Delicious Magazine:

In my opinion, homecooking starts and finishes with a really good roast chicken recipe.  It’s the type of food I was brought up on and every Sunday we had a roast chicken religiously and without fail!  The bones were used for stock and the leftovers (if there were any!) would be made into sandwiches for school.  The accompaniments are really what make a good roast dinner and if you are looking for a nice alternative to the traditional roast spuds you won’t go wrong with the combination of baby potatoes, asparagus, lemon, thyme and white wine, which all work wonderfully together in this recipe.  Best of all it makes a fantastic one tray dish which you can pop in the oven to cook up while you get on with other things!

Continue to the recipe for One Tray White Wine Chicken Roast with Zesty Potatoes and Asparagus…