Chicken Lahori is a very colourful dish from Pakistan, which is not at all hot but extremely full of flavour. It should marinade in its topping for about an hour before cooking and should not be cooked ahead of time. This can also be made with chicken joints and the marinade equally divided. It is best to buy either breast or thigh joints for this method, but keep cooking time to 90 minutes. Recipe from The Pleasures of the Table: Rediscovering Theodora Fitzgibbon.
1 large, free range chicken
For the marinade:
2 tbsp onion, finely minced
Juice of 1 lemon
¼ tsp ground coriander or fresh leaves, chopped
Pinch minced or powdered garlic
Pinch turmeric
1 cm stem chopped green ginger or drained ginger in syrup
Pulp of 2 large ripe tomatoes (canned and drained can be used)
Salt & pepper
About 2 tbsp olive oil
Plate/pestle & mortar/food processor
Baking tray