Christmas Brunch Waffles |
  • family

Christmas Brunch Waffles

December 22

Topped with poached egg and a delicious hollandaise sauce, this waffles brunch could be your next Christmas tradition!

  • serves Serves 4
  • time 30 mins


  1. 1. Preheat a waffle maker to the medium setting.
  2. 2. To make the waffles whisk together the butter, flour, baking powder, eggs and milk until smooth. Stir through the remaining ingredients, mix to combine, holding back 50g ham to serve and season.
  3. 3. Pour a little of the mixture into the waffle maker and cook for 6–8 minutes. If the waffle machine makes less than four at a time, repeat with the remaining batter and keep the cooked waffles warm as you do so.
  4. 4. To make the hollandaise sauce, whiz the egg yolks with the vinegar and some seasoning in a blender. Gradually and slowly, pour in the hot melted butter, with the blender running, until you have a thick smooth sauce. This part is not to be rushed. Season with lemon juice to taste along with salt and pepper.
  5. 5. To cook the spinach, heat the butter in a saucepan, add the spinach and cook until wilted. Season to taste.
  6. 6. To make the poached eggs, bring a saucepan of water to the boil. Add the salt and vinegar and stir to dissolve the salt. Crack an egg into a cup and slowly lower the edge of the cup into the pot and drop in the egg. Cook the egg at a very gentle simmer for 3–4 minutes for the yolk to still be runny. Remove the egg with a slotted spoon and place on a plate lined with kitchen paper. Repeat with the remaining eggs.
  7. 7. To serve, place a waffle on each plate with some wilted spinach on top. Top each with a poached egg, the remaining shredded ham and pour over hollandaise sauce. Don’t forget lots of freshly ground black pepper to finish.


For the waffles:

125g butter, melted 

250g plain flour

1 tsp baking powder

3 free-range eggs

400ml whole milk

200g leftover ham, shredded

100g Cheddar, grated

2 thyme sprigs, leaves removed 

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper 

For the poached eggs:

4 free-range eggs

1 tsp white wine vinegar

For the wilted spinach:

75g unsalted butter

4 handfuls fresh spinach

For the hollandaise: 

2 large egg yolks

1tsp white wine vinegar 

150g butter, melted and hot

Lemon juice to taste