
Roast Chicken with Lemon and Oregano and Ready for Spring!

January really is one of those months that my appetite doesn’t know what it wants.  One half of me wants something warm and comforting to hold off the the cold weather and the other half has had it up to here with rich stodgy winter food.  So trying to find the balance between the two is often difficult.  My solution has been to stick with the winter foods for now, but generally teaming them up with a light side salad, bulghur wheat packed with fresh flavours and spiky lemon dressings, which is so far working pretty well as a compromise.  This is all fine for now but I am so ready for some new foodie inspiration and thankfully spring is just around the corner, so things are most definitely looking up!  In fact we are busy getting the garden ready to plant some vegetables for year 3 of my kitchen garden project.  This year will by my year- I’m telling ya!  No spinach going to seed, no dead as a dodo carrots, no this year it’s going to be all change… I hope!

Speaking of new foodie inspiration, I haven’t mentioned that we are heading over to New York City in February, for a little break and a chance to soak up some culture!  We have two Irish friends living in Brooklyn so I’ve been promised a meal at one of the most authentic Brooklyn eateries when we go over.  It’s all very exciting, I haven’t been since I was a kid and S hasn’t been EVER so it’s going to be a very full couple of days, with me being dragged to see all the sights and of course her being dragged through every food market and kitchen shop I can get my hands on!  We have Dean and Delucca, Zabars, and Whole Foods on the list but if you have any must visit New York foodie spots do let me know in the comments section below.

Now back to the food, like I said it’s been a bit of a compromise, but this roast chicken with lemon and oregano kept us going for a few days this week.  Roast dinner the other day, followed by an aromatic chicken noodle soup the day after and then a chicken stir fry today!  I know it may sound boring but I think if you can cook a good roast chicken you are at the starting block to cook just about anything your confidence will allow! 🙂

Continue for the recipe…