
Small Green Fields…

modern farmette-

If you haven’t come across American food writer and blogger, Imen McDonnell, then you have a whole heap of brilliance to catch up on! When she’s not whipping up amazing recipes or snapping stunning photographs for her site Farmette, she is also a brilliant producer/director in her spare time. I was thrilled to be asked to take part in Imen’s latest project, Small Green Fields.  Imen travelled across the green hills and hedgerows of Ireland to meet a handful of special personalities who play a role in Ireland’s remarkable artisanal food and farming community and she captured it all so beautifully on camera. The film is a wonderful representation of where Irish food is right now and I wasn’t at all surprised to hear that it will be screened on all Aer Lingus transatlantic flights for the summer (June-August). Well done Imen and co!  You can see a segment of the film below.