
Strawberry State Of Mind!

Breakfast in the summer is just way more fun -fact! I put it down to the fact it’s bright when you wake up… you’re more likely to want to be up and about when the sun is shining. Of course this means making breafast a little more interesting. Porridge, as much as I have a love/ hate relationship with it, keeps me going during the colder months.

During the summer however, it’s far cooler cousin, granola, is my breakfast fix. It’s easy to make up and customise a big batch, which will sit happily in an airtight jar for you to fill up your breakfast bowl when required.

You can pick up Irish strawberries everywhere at the moment, but the ones in my garden are still waiting to ripen and turn a really rich red. Last year my strawberry growing was overshadowed by my continuous fight with the bird community, which tormented me solidly for weeks while they tried to nab my berries! This year I have it all sorted – nets are the solution!  Hey… it’s better than chasing them away with a stick in my undies!

Here’s my favourite way to combine two of my favourite things, strawberries and breakfast…

Continue to the recipe for Strawberries With Homemade Granola, Honey and Yoghurt…