
Swedish Summer and Boozy Bum Chicken…

It’s been a little quiet on the blogging front for the last few days, but I have good reason! After a couple of crazy months, I can well and truly say I have switched my mind to the standby position.  We’re spending some time in Gothenburg soaking up some Swedish sunshine and inspiration before work starts on the new book when I’m back.  It’s given me a bit of time to work through the notebooks full of recipe ideas I’ve been writing over the last year and over the weekend I managed to whittle it down to a really solid list of tasty recipes.  The whole book writing process has always been a learning process and I think now I have a really good idea about how I want to write the next one.  In lots of ways there is a detachment between writing the recipes, testing the recipes, and shooting the photography for the recipes and so for this next book I want to combine all three and really give a sense of real life cooking as I work through the production process.  I’m planning on cooking and shooting everything chez moi, so the next few months I’m sure our kitchen is going to look like a bomb hit it! 🙂

While the next book is rolling around in my head and stopping my sleep, helped along by the bright hot Swedish nights, I am seriously loving Sweden in the summer as I always do, we’ve spent some time here for the last 5 summers.  We have had some great weather here the last week or so, so outdoor eating has become our way of life, with lots of BBQ’ing and fresh salads, which leads me on quite nicely to our recipe for today.

I first came across this at a big BBQ cookout in the US and had been dying to try it.  Having had it on the to do list for a few years, I was recently lined up to do a spot of BBQ’ing on the Tom Dunne show on Newstalk and the lovely researcher got in touch to say that one of the guests on the show on the same day would be Ken Doherty and he wanted to know how to make beer can chicken.  So with a little bit of beer can chicken research under my belt I headed off to cook it up!  It’s actually all ridiculously simple, and I am now a total convert.  It is hands down without a doubt one of THE best ways to BBQ chicken, you get tender meat and crispy skin.  Ain’t nothin’ better!

Continue to the recipe for Boozy Bum Chicken…