
The Chiappa’s Top 3 Italian Recipes…

Simply Italian hi res

If you missed my Top 8 Youtube Food Stars post a few weeks ago, you may not have seen my write up about The Chiappa Sisters.  This very talented team of ladies are sisters with a Italian-Welch background grew up with delicious Italian dishes being at the centre of every family occasion.  Their love of great food has led to a TV series, a fantastic youtube channel and an amazing new cookbook.  I met the Chiappa’s at Jamie Oliver’s Food Tube live show last summer and they are great fun with an infectious passion for cooking.

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Following on from their Channel 4 series they’ve have just released their first cookbook, Simply Italian which features all the recipes from the show.  As well as agreeing to give me 3 copies of their new book to giveaway to three lucky readers the ladies agreed to share their Top 3 Italian Dishes with me.  To be in with a chance to win one of the cookbooks, leave me a comment below and let me know your favourite Italian inspired dish!  One entry per person and I will pick a winner next week- Good luck!  Check out a sneak peek of just three of the delicious recipes from the new book below. *Competition is now closed*

Seafood Riss 0010

Continue to the recipe for Seafood Risotto…

Pen Chiap Egg Raviolo 0036

Continue to the recipe for Raviolo with an Oozy Egg, Smoked Salmon and Griddled Asparagus…

Pen Chiap Flan 0007

Continue to the recipe for Puff Pastry with Creamy Mascarpone and Sweet Berries…