
The Launch Of Kitchen Hero: Great Food For Less!

Well book 3 has finally arrived! After months and months of work, last night we launched Kitchen Hero: Great Food For Less in Dubray Books on Grafton St.  It was the same venue Good Mood Food was launched in back in 2009, which at this point feels like an eternity ago, but it was a really nice feeling to be back where it all began.

I’m incredibly proud of this book as I really feel the message is a strong one and particularly timely considering people are seeking ways to spend less money.  My main aim with the book is to prove that home cooking really is one of those invaluable skills which anyone can gain and as a result cook delicious food while also saving money.

It was wonderful to see so many people turn out for the event, from family to friends, fellow bloggers and a good few familiar faces from twitter and facebook.  Many thanks to everyone who came to the event and it was great to see so many friendly faces in the crowd!  Kitchen Hero: Great Food For Less is in all good bookshops now, so please spread the word and get cooking! 🙂