
Tomato, Basil and Mozzarella Salad

Last weekend we spent clearing our jungle of a garden and now I can safely say it’s looking pretty good. The best addition to our back yard is a little table and two chairs; we’ve been eating outside all week long! Even though it’s a little nippy when the sun goes in, we are persisting and enjoying the great outdoors. The lovely thing about working with food is that you become very aware of changing seasons and I think my tastes have begun to adapt.

Right now, I can’t even think about big warming stews and slow roasts, instead I have cravings for light salads and zingy dressings. One of the salads I’m most addicted to at the moment is hardly groundbreaking but because it’s an oldie it’s most definitely a goodie! Tomato Basil and Mozzarella Salad is perfect for this time of year, it’s light and fresh  and will quite happily sit while you prepare other things.

Continue to the recipe for tomato, basil and mozzarella salad…