
Vintage Cookbooks and Chocolate Chip, Oat and Raisin Cookies!

I’m always on the lookout for vintage and retro cookbooks, and over the last few years I’ve amassed quite a collection. Not only are they wonderfully nostalgic, there are plenty of delicious recipes which are still bang up-to-date. Of course there are also plenty of recipes for aspics and animal innards, things which most people these days would turn their noses up at.

Some of the old American baking cookbooks are the most exciting and last weekend I spent the afternoon going through one of them. The oddest thing I came across was a recipe for Chocolate Mayonnaise Cake and a spiced confection which uses a tin of condensed tomato soup. I’ll have to give them a go first before I subject you to them!

In amongst all the quirky ones I came across this fantastic recipe for Oat and Raisin Cookies. I’ve adapted them and added chocolate chips for an extra sweet hit, but you could also add any extras to the basic mix you wish.

Continue to the recipe for Chocolate Chip, Oat and Raisin Cookies…