Croque Madame | DonalSkehan.com, A classic French cafe snack.
  • recipes

Croque Madame

March 11

My first memories of Paris involve ordering a Croque Madame at little cafe and being in awe of this simple yet classic French cafe snack. Eaten with a simply dressed salad, it’s a thing of beauty!

  • serves Serves 2
  • time 40 mins


  1. 1. Melt the butter in a small pan. Brush one side of each slice of bread with some of it. Grill under a medium hot grill until golden.
  2. 2. Stir the flour into the remaining butter with the thyme leaves, cook over a low heat for 1 minute, gradually whisk in the milk until smooth, cook until thickened. Stir in the wholegrain mustard and 30g cheese.
  3. 3. Spread the Dijon onto the un-grilled side of two of the slices of bread, place a slice of ham and the remaining cheese on top. Place the remaining grilled bread toasted side up on top and press down gently, heat through.
  4. 4. Top with the béchamel sauce and grill for 5 minutes until bubbling and golden.
  5. 5. In a frying pan, fry the eggs to your preference, place on top of the croque and garnish with a little thyme.


4 tbsp butter, softened

4 thick slices of white sliced loaf

1 tbsp plain flour

1/2 cup milk

½ tsp thyme leaves

3/4 cups gruyere, grated

2 tsp Dijon mustard

1 tbsp wholegrain mustard

2 slices, hand carved ham

2 large free-range eggs

50g butter, softened

4 thick slices of white sliced loaf

1 tbsp plain flour

100ml milk

½ tsp thyme leaves

80g gruyere, grated

2 tsp Dijon mustard

1 tbsp wholegrain mustard

2 slices, hand carved ham

2 large free-range eggs

You'll Need

Small saucepan

Frying pan