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Summer Grilled Chicken

June 14
Summer Grilled Chicken | DonalSkehan.com, One of my standby, old reliables around this time of year is grilled chicken. Versatile and the ideal vehicle for whatever your kitchen pantry has to offer.

We are smack bang into the summer and with it, we need a new collection of recipes to lean on. The brighter season brings a bounty of fresh ingredients, perfect for firing up the grill and creating memorable meals which capture the essence of summer. One of my standby, old reliables around this time of year is grilled chicken. Versatile and the ideal vehicle for whatever your kitchen pantry has to offer. Spices from the middle east, deep south BBQ sauce or fish sauce or soy sauce borrowed from Asian store cupboard staples. Here are three standout dishes that celebrate the joy of a summer grilled chook.

Lemon & Oregano Chicken with Fennel Salad

Firstly, a classic in our house- Lemon & Oregano Chicken with Fennel Salad. The combination of fennel & orange is one that works wonderfully together, bitter and sweet and intensely fresh tasting. Normally saved for the winter months as a burst of colour, it features on my summer menu well into August. I would happily eat the salad by itself, but with thinly sliced onions and herbs like dill and mint but it really shines alongside these lemon & oregano chicken thighs. I cook the thighs on the BBQ to give them deep smokey char marks and crispy skin. The marinade for the chicken is incredibly simple but highly effective- olive oil, lemon zest & orange zest and plenty of dried oregano- a back pocket recipe for the summer months for sure.

Get the recipe here.


Gnarly Chicken Kebabs

The chicken kebab recipe here is made all the more tender marinated in yoghurt which prevents the chicken from drying out during cooking.  Chicken thighs are best for this recipe as you will be left with tender chicken once cooked. Toum is a Lebanese garlic sauce which is essential to serve with these kebabs.  Once made, the toum keeps really well in the fridge for several weeks as it is very stable. Serve it all with the salad and it’s a very yummy meal indeed. Served straight off the grill, they’re a fantastic option for casual summer gatherings- Tin foil boxes optional!

Get the recipe here.

Vietnamese Vermicelli Bowl

While the Irish summer has nothing on a humid day in Hanoi, the recipe here for Vietnamese Vermicelli Bowl with Lemongrass Chicken will hopefully help transport you there. Grilled lemongrass chicken is the star of the show, aromatic, spiced and vibrant, it is best devoured with the light and fresh ingredients of the bowl. Thin rice noodles, fresh herbs, crisp veggies, and the essential Vietnamese nuoc cham dressing, it’s all my favourite things in one bowl. Ideal for hot summer days!

Get the recipe here.


Whether you’re hosting a barbecue, enjoying a family meal, or simply craving something fresh and delicious, these dishes are sure to ramp up grill season!

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