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September 05
 | DonalSkehan.com, Hold on to your hats—it’s back-to-school time!

Our two boys, aged six and four, are relatively good eaters. They go through phases of being wonderfully adventurous yet wildly indecisive, argumentative, and downright dictatorial about what they want to eat. Their favorite foods include the usual suspects—spaghetti bolognese, pizza, and noodles—but also pickled gherkins, salad leaves in a French vinaigrette, and kale munched straight from the garden (though the youngest often spits it out after a few chews).

As many parents will understand, the dinner choice you commit to when 5 p.m. rolls around comes with consequences. Will all your efforts end up on plates piled at the sink while toast and butter are eaten in front of the TV? This week, I’m hoping to help with three simple back-to-school suppers to add to your dinner repertoire.

First up is Pork Schnitzel with Pickled Smashed Cucumbers. Yes, there are a few ingredients that might push the kiddos’ boundaries, but at its core, you’ve got a thin, crispy pork chop served with cucumbers (you can skip the dressing for younger kids). Serve it with rice, and it’s a winner every time. The leftover pork chops can be thinly sliced and tucked into a lunchbox for the next day.

Get the recipe here.

Next, a Teriyaki Chicken Rice Bowl. A simple marinade made from pantry ingredients, rice (ideally leftovers), hard-fried in a pan until a rich golden crust forms, and some jazzed-up sweetcorn. Three core elements for a really flavorful meal, all of which can be prepped in advance for an easy assembly job when dinner time rolls around.

Get the recipe here.

If all else fails, try Grilled Prosciutto Cheese Sandwiches. Essentially a grilled cheese with a smattering of key Italian ingredients. The combination of mozzarella and scamorza provides that essential cheese pull, while the prosciutto adds a salty bite. Sandwiched and pressed until golden brown in a ciabatta, this has the potential to become a new classic! Serve it with an after-school tomato soup, and you might just win at dinnertime.

Get the recipe here.

Hold on to your hats—it’s back-to-school time!
