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One Pot Wonders

January 16
One Pot Wonders | DonalSkehan.com

As we find ourselves in the thick of yet another lockdown, this week I want to arm you with hearty winter recipes that should keep us well fed for however long it takes to find some semblance of normality.

An old favourite in our house and an instant crowd pleaser is a meat  Chilli  that replaces minced meat with the best bit of beef you can get your hands on. It makes for a much more pleasing end result and simmered with plenty of spice in the form of smokey paprika, cumin and chilli, it’s a chilli with a difference. I take a lot of pleasure in family food that can be served directly to the table in a big pot and this recipe is an ideal example of it. A steaming ladle full in a deep bowl can be topped with creme fraiche, some herb action (I like to add coriander), guacamole or just devoured with tortilla chips- it’s a choose your own adventure kind of supper. All that an it’s ideal to freeze, great in a slow cooker or pressure- an all rounder really and perfect for lockdown meals.

It’s certainly soup season at the moment with the biting cold we’ve had the last couple of weeks and soups are always on the menu in our kitchen this time of year. My go to quick fix soup is pea and spinach which is made in a flash. Simply sautee a chopped onion until lightly golden and then bung in a bag of frozen peas, an organic stock cube (I use Kallo) and top with water to cover the peas, as soon as the liquid has come to the boil, add a few handfuls of baby spinach. As soon as the leaves have wilted, pour the whole lot into a blender and blitz until smooth. Season to taste and it’s an instant winner with the kids. If you need more soup action and little splash of sunshine, check out this recipe for a  Spiced Carrot and Coriander Soup  which is bolstered with ginger, turmeric and chilli for a real boost of aromatics and the brightness we need for these dark days. Serve it hot with a good squidge of lime juice and you’ve got lunch sorted.

If it’s a new year stew you’re looking for though, you may find new inspiration in the form of a  Harissa Lamb  all in one hot pot that gets fleshed out with aubergine and chickpeas. It results in lamb shoulder that is slow cooked until tender and spiced with the humming heat of harissa paste. You could serve it with a pot of saffron stained rice, but a bowl simply topped with a dollop of cool yoghurt and plenty of coriander does the trick for me.

Go big on flavour this Winter and you will brighten even the darkest of days!

Follow these links for the recipes in the photos:


Spiced Carrot and Coriander Soup

Harissa Lamb
