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Weeknight Cooking Hacks!

December 05
Weeknight Cooking Hacks! | DonalSkehan.com, For the evenings you don't have time on your side.

Around this time of year I begin to suffer from weeknight dinner fatigue. The 5pm rush of getting in the door from work and trying to prep dinner with children under our feet provides its own challenges. All meal planning and meal prep has long gone out the window with all our other best intentions. Despite the nature of my job I still find myself in front of the kitchen cupboards wracking my brain on what to make for dinner. This week I have three suggestions that are low in effort and high on the pay off on the dinner plate. Flavourful suppers that are worth the time spent in the kitchen. Each one has it’s selling point.

Sage & Brown Butter Pork Chops

Gone are the days of the sad dry pork chop dinners I grew up with (sorry mum!). Nowadays you can get really good quality pork chops on the bone with skin and fat in tact, optimising them for the best results. Sizzled in brown butter and aromatic with sage leaves they are delicious with whatever you choose to serve them with- mash, pasta, salad or steamed greens. The trick to getting them right is to score the skin with a sharp knife, making cuts at 2cm intervals and then using a tongs pressing the skin in contact upright with a hot frying skillet. The fat will render, the skin will crisp and and then and only then should you fry the flesh. Serve them hot to the table sliced and allow everyone to help themselves. Simple supper with a key ingredient cooked right at the core.

Get the recipe here.


Krapow Chicken

I look to spice and heat around this time of year as the days darken and I will forever be in love with the vibrancy of Thai food. Krapow Chicken – Also called Thai basil chicken, is one of the most delicious Thai dishes going. Simple in preparation but big on heat and staple condiments like fish sauce and oyster sauce which packs this dish with irresistible umami. The recipe calls for Thai basil, which is more commonly  available now, not only from Asian shops but online and in many big supermarkets. In a pinch use a mix of coriander and regular Italian basil. Serve with rice and steamed greens.

Get the recipe here.


Crispy Mushroom Carbonara

For speedy suppers, my first reach is almost always to the pasta drawer, yes we have a dedicated drawer in my house- we’re true pasta fans! Learning the classics allow a little room to manouvre and any true nonna worth her salt I’m sure would support using up what you have. Which is where the inspiration for the Crispy Mushroom Carbonara recipe comes from. A good selection of mushrooms takes place of guanciale and gives it depth and meatiness. Garryhinch Mushrooms offer a great selection of interesting varieties but a mix of any supermarket packets will do the job too.

Get the recipe here.

Plenty of inspiration here to mix up the mid week rush- enjoy
