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Speedy Family Friendly Comfort Recipes

May 12
Speedy Family Friendly Comfort Recipes | DonalSkehan.com, Speedy comfort food to feed the whole family, have a brilliant weekend!

Having Speedy Family Friendly Recipes up your sleeve is an absolute game-changer in our house, especially since our kitchen became a lot busier the last couple of years with munchkins running around. I learned this firsthand when our first child arrived in 2017. Suddenly, my time spent in the kitchen time went from a laid back casual glass of wine kind of affair to “how fast can I whip up something edible?” while being abused by a mini dictator. Minimal ingredients, minimal equipment, and 15 minutes or less to get it done became essential. After chasing tiny tornados all day, unless you are one of those perfect instagram families, nobody has got the energy for elaborate meals. These recipes are not just about convenience; they’re about sanity-saving, flavor-packed magic that keeps the whole family happy and well-fed without draining every ounce of your energy.

Pasta a limone

This week I’ve got three recipes that deliver on time and flavour. First Pasta a limone, hailing from the sunny shores of Italy, it should help transport you there on even the coldest Irish spring day. The combination of vibrant lemon zest in a rich creamy sauce with plenty of Parmesan cheese creates a comforting a simple to prepare mid-week supper. Any pasta shape will work here and feel free to swap out the spaghetti for shapes like penne or linguine. To make it more of a meal you could serve with grilled prawns or crispy pancetta. 

Get the recipe here.


Chorizo Mac & Cheese

This is a spicy twist on the classic American comfort food. Opt for a soft Spanish chorizo for its bold flavor, made with good quality pork, smoked paprika and garlic. Originating in the US, macaroni and cheese has become a global favourite for its simplicity and versatility. Making Chorizo Mac & Cheese is easy: cook pasta, crisp up chorizo in a frying pan, prepare the creamy sauce and assemble. It’s a satisfying dish that brings creamy comfort with a little twist which will make you want to revisit it.

Get the recipe here.


On the same American comfort food vibe, quick burgers are always a crowd pleaser. Gone are the days of my mum’s thick beef patties and these days it’s all about the smashburger. Originating in the US, smashburgers have become the burger style of choice, celebrated for their crispy edges and juicy center. The technique involves smashing a ball of minced beef onto a hot pan, creating maximum surface area for caramelization. It’s a method that’s said to have emerged in the early 20th century but has recently experienced a resurgence in popularity. Smashburger night is always popular with our boys and for a quick and fun family dinner, I like to set up a smashburger station where everyone can get creative with their toppings. Plonk lettuce, caramelised tomatoes, crispy bacon, avocado slices, and tangy pickled onions on the table and build your burger. 

Get the recipe here.

Speedy comfort food to feed the whole family, have a brilliant weekend!
